Grapevine Canyon     


Paul Schollmeier, Ph. D.
Select Publications



Rewriting Contemporary Political Philosophy with Plato and Aristotle:  An Essay on Eudaimonic Politics.  London: Bloomsbury, 2019


Preface” to Rewriting Contemporary Political Philosophy with Plato and Aristotle


Human Goodness:  Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2006


Preface” to Human Goodness


Dennehy, Raymond. Review of Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes by Paul Schollmeier. Heythrop Journal, vol. 51 (2010), pp. 350-351


Earls, C. Anthony. Review of Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes by Paul Schollmeier. The Pluralist, vol. 4 (2009), pp. 123-129


Morrison, Catherine E.  Review of Human Goodness:  Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes by Paul Schollmeier.  Philosophy and Rhetoric, vol. 41 (2008), pp. 190-194


Pichanick, Alan.  Review of Paul Schollmeier, Human Goodness:  Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes.  Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (September 14, 2007) 


Other Selves:  Aristotle on Personal and Political Friendship.  Albany:  State University of New York Press, 1994


"Introduction" to Other Selves


"Practical Reason and Empirical Principles."  The Pluralist, vol. 2 (2007), pp. 120-133


"Kantian Imperatives and Greek Values, pp. 145-160.  Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1996


"Ineluctable Slavery."  Skepsis:  A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research, vol. 12 (2001), pp. 134-141


"Happiness and Luckiness."  Philosophy Educating Humanity:  Proceedings of the XX World Congress of Philosophy. Alan M. Olson, ed. (cited in Noêsis under "Tuchê")


Aristotle on Knowledge and Opinion.” Proceedings of the World CongressAristotle 2400 Years,” pp. 532-537.  Demetra Sfendoni-Mentzou, ed.  Thessaloniki:  The Aristotle University of Thessloniki, 2019. 


"Aristotle on Practical Wisdom."  Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, vol. 43 (1989), pp. 124-132


"Practical Intuition and Rhetorical Example."  Philosophy and Rhetoric, vol. 24 (1991), pp. 95-104


"The Pragmatic Method and Its Rhetorical Lineage."  Philosophy and Rhetoric, vol. 35 (2002), pp. 368-381


"The Problem of Example."  Shifting the Paradigm: Alternative Perspectives on Induction, pp. 231-249.  Paolo Biondi and Louis Groarke, eds.  Berlin:  Walter de Gruyter, 2014


"Aristotle and Women."  Polis:  The Journal of the Society for Greek Political Thought, vol. 20 (2003), pp. 26-46 (cited in the Sanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy under “Feminist History of Philosophy”)


"Aristotle on Comedy."  Philosophical Inquiry, Vol. 40 (2016), pp. 146-162  (Memorial Issue in Honor of Raphael Demos)


"Purgation of Pitiableness and Fearfulness."  Hermes:  Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, vol. 122 (1994), pp. 289-299


"Ancient Tragedy and Other Selves."  Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, vol. 103 (1998), pp. 175-188


"A Classical Rhetoric of Modern Science."  Philosophy and Rhetoric, vol. 17 (1984), pp. 209-220


"A Rhetorical Ontology for Modern Science."  Rhetorica:  A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, vol. 12 (1994), pp. 327-341


"De Facto and De Jure Dependence."  Filosofiska Notiser, vol. 3 (2016), pp. 3-23


“An Aristotelian Key to Samurai Ch’i.” Politeia:  An International Interdisciplinary Philosophical Review, vol. 1 (2019), pp. 232-243


The Rock Garden of the Ryoanji Temple.”  The Montréal Review (2019). 


Contemplating Tea Bowls at the Heiseikan in Tokyo.”  The Montréal Review (2013).